SIP protocol seems using pretty much simple terms but most terms are rolling up like a snowball, then it gets so confusing to us. Based on RFC3261, SIP protocol structure is defined, which does not belong to OSI defined layers.

According to RFC3261 5 Structure of the Protocol, SIP protocol layers can be defined as follows; Syntax and Encoding, Transport layer, Transaction layer, Transaction user.
SIP - Syntax and Encoding
Encoding is specified using an augmented Backus-Naur Form grammar (BNF) as received from trasnport layer
SIP - Transport Layer
This layer defines how a client transport sends requests and receives responses and how a server is responsible for actual reception of requests and transmission of response over network. It is responsible for managing persistent connections for transport protocols like UDP and TCP over network. The opened connections are shared between the client and server transport functions. These connections are indexed by the tuple formed from address, port, transport protocol.
OSI layer also defines transport layer such as UDP, TCP, and etc., and then "port" term seems pretty much confusing here. What RFC3261 calls those UDP, TCP, and SCTP is "Transport protocol" and presents port on UDP, TCP, SCTP, or etc. "SIP - Transport layer" on top of "Transport protocol" also has a logical concept of "port"; source and receive ports. Since the source port on SIP protocol is often ephemeral, but it cannot be known whether is ephemeral or not on destination side, 2 different connections in use; one for requests and the other for responses.
SIP - Transaction Layer
This layer has a client and server side (client transaction and server transaction specifically called). Both client and server transactions are logical functions that are embedded in any number of elements. UAC, UAS, and stateful proxy have transaction layer have transaction layer and stateless proxy does not have transaction layer.
Client transaction sends requests and server transaction sends responses over network. Client transaction receives requests from TU (Transaction User) and delivers them to a server through network. Client transaction also receives responses and delivers them to the TU. Server transaction receives requests from transport layer and delivers them to the TU. Server transaction accepts responses from the TU and delivers them to transport layer over network.
SIP - Transaction User
Transaction User (TU) is SIP entities, which includes UAC core, UAS core, proxy core, and registrar core. There is no TU in stateless proxy. When a TU wishes to send a request, it creates a client transaction instance and passes the request along with destination info (destination IP address, port, and transport). When a client cancels a transaction, it requests that the server stop further processing, revert to the initial state. This is done with a CANCEL request.
In short, since Syntax and Encoding is a function, which does not have any state machine. If it is regardless, we can get clearer pictures below.
Even though SIP protocol layers are described in RFC3261, there are more terms still confusing as follows.
Message (with Method) and Message Body (with SDP)
Message is data sent between SIP elements as part of the protocol. SIP messages are either requests or responses. Method is primary function that a request mean to invoke on a server side for example, INVITE and BYE. SIP protocol transaction can be initiated by any requests first and appropriate responses are expected all the time.
SIP message contains Message Body if necessary and Session Description Protocol is one of most common bodies in there. It contains session name, purpose, media comprising the session, and bandwidth information and etc. Based on RFC specifications, SIP protocol sequence can be understood by SDP offer and answer.
SIP messages' direction refers to who sends requests while SDP session description does to who sends offers first. More detailed SDP headers are listed up on the bottom of this post.
Client and Server
Client is any network element which sends SIP requests and receives SIP responses. Clients typically may interact directly with a human user. User agent clients and proxies are clients. Server is any network element, which receives SIP requests in order to service them and sends back responses to those requests. Examples are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrar.
(Back-to-Back) User Agent, UAC, and UAS
Back-to-Back user agent is logical entity. User agent receives a request and processes it as a user agent server (UAS) as well as it also acts as a user agent client (UAC) and generates a request.
Upstream and Downstream
A direction of request message from a client side to a server side is defined as downstream. We might think of client -> proxy -> proxy .. proxy -> proxy -> server. Unlike this, upstream is defined as a direction of responses flow from a server side to a client side. We can simply say server -> proxy -> proxy .. proxy -> proxy -> client.
Call, Dialog, and Session
Dialog means a peer-to-peer SIP relationship between 2 UAs that persists for some times. It can be established by 2xx responses to a INVITE request and identified by a Call-ID, a local tag, and a remote tag. Call is an informal term. Session is a multimedia connection and stream flows from a sender (caller) to a receiver (callee).
Provisional responses and Final responses, and SIP Transaction
A final response terminates a SIP transaction; all 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 6xx responses. A provisional responses used by a server to indicate progress but does not terminate a SIP transaction; all 1xx responses. SIP transaction occurs between a client and a server. It comprises all messages from the first request sent from the client to the server up to a final (non-1xx) responses sent from the server to the client. If the final response to INVITE request is non-2xx, the transaction also includes ACK as another sub-transaction to the response.
Loose Routing and Strict Routing
Loose routing proxy keeps the present Request-URI in requests as it is and adds Record-Route header field. In this Record-Route header, "lr" parameter indicates loose routing. Record-Route header is added each loose routing proxy. It can be referred to RFC3261. Unlike loose routing, strict routing replaces the present Request-URI with next destination of hop based on RFC2543. Generally loose routing proxies are preferred.
Now based on this understanding these terms and structure, each UA and proxy server may be configured below. In this picture, a request is transmitted through blue arrows and a response is back into Alice's phone through brown ones.
Here is SIP header field list based RFC 3261 and RFC 2543. With the table on the bottom of this post shows up most kinds of header fields in SIP even though the table is not sufficient for us to understand those headers clearly. With more pictures and flowchart, we need clarify some frequently used headers in practical approach.
Generally SIP transaction begins with SIP request sent from server to client and any response returned back from server to client. There are few exceptions like ACK, which does not need response. CSeq header (method + sequence number) is used to trace those SIP transactions.
A caller originates a call to a callee, and this whole procedure is observed as a dialog formally or a call informally. In a single dialog or call, several transactions are in there. Call-ID is used to trace a call or dialog.
In the picture above, INVITE and BYE transactions can be traced with CSeq method. ACK transaction is completed without response. Especially INVITE transaction has several provisional responses and final response with 2xx. And ACK transaction has the same sequence number as INVITE has and ACK as method, which means INVITE transaction absorbs ACK transaction.
Where packet is sent is Source object and where it is heading for is Destination object. Whenever packet is transmitted, the source and destination objects are changed in Wireshark logs, and the objects could be IP addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers.
When a SIP request is initially sent from a caller to a callee, the caller's SIP-URI with a new tag is added on From header and the callee's on To header. Those SIP-URIs in From and To are not changed even in responses to the request. Once this request arrives at the callee, a receiver's new tag is added to To header.
Via header also defined according to who sends the initial request on a dialog. So From, Via, and To header fields follow who sends a initial SIP request per each call, which means these 3 information do not change before the call ends.
Beside these three headers, Contact header field is inserted according to who send SIP messages; request or response. On top of that, Contact header field includes more specific caller's information like protocol transport (such as TCP or UDP), and port number. It is usually composed of a username at FQDN (fully qualified domain name). While an FQDN is preferred, many end systems do not have registered domain names, so IP addresses are permitted.
So Contact header and source/destination IP addresses are changed per each message (both request and response) direction while From, Via, and To headers never changed in a call. Here is populated table above, helping us understand it.
Via header field indicates the transport used for transaction and identities the location where the response is to be sent. It must has SIP 2.0 and a "branch" parameter. This branch parameter is used to identify the transaction created by that request and used by both the client and the server. When a response is sent, a "received" or "rport" parameter is added into the received Via field header. When the request is transferred to another element (called as a hop), additional Via field header is added to the existing one while Max-Forwards decreases by 1. When the response is transferred back to initial request originator, the top Via is removed in the end.
Here is more practical example in Wireshark. When a IMS client device under test can be connected to a network simulator, which including IMS proxy server as well as a virtual UA. Even though the IMS proxy server and the virtual UA locate in the same IP address, the functionality are totally separated.
Let's assume your device in IP address and both proxy server and a virtual UA are in IP address This is the case when your device is calling to the virtual UA.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
532 35.87.. SIP/SDP Request: INVITE |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 45990 (45990), Dst Port: sip (5060)
Session Initiation Protocol (INVITE)
Request-Line: INVITE SIP/2.0
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..9191;rport
Max-Forwards: 70
The IP addresses and UDP ports for both client and server sides are determined in the Wireshark log. UDP source port would be 45990 and destination port would be 5060 in this case. When a request is sent through Via path, transport layer port is defined as 45990 from the request side in your client. When Via header field is prepared, the "rport"(response-port) without port number is transferred to the server side in proxy server.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
533 35.88.. SIP Status: 100 Trying |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: 45990 (45990)
Session Initiation Protocol (100)
Status-Line: SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..9191;rport=45990
Max-Forwards: 70
In this response transport, the UDP source port would be 5060 and destination port would be 45990. When server side sends response with Via header, the response port number, 45990 is added to "rport".
We can think of another example when your device receive a call from the virtual UA. In this case, your device in IP address and both proxy server and a virtual UA are in IP address
No Time Source Destination Protocol
27 7.59.. SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:+11234567890@ |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 65150 (65150), Dst Port: sip (5060)
Session Initiation Protocol (INVITE)
Request-Line: INVITE sip:+11234567890@ SIP/2.0
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..0186;rport;transport=udp
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..375a;rport=65146
Max-Forwards: 69
There are 2 Via header fields. The UDP source port would be 65150 and destination would be 5060 for the the top Via header. When the request is sent through Via path, transport layer port is defined as 65150 from the client side in the proxy server. On Via header field, the "rport" without port number is sent to the server side in your UA.
The lower Via header field is generated by the virtual UA. The UDP source port cannot be found in the Wireshark log but transport layer port found as 65144. When this port is transferred through NAT, the IP address and transport port are bind to others based on RFC3581 6 Example. Since the server side in the proxy server understand that the request was sent from 65146 port number of the client. So rport with 65146 is added in the Via header field in the response.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
28 7.64.. SIP Status: 100 Trying |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: 65150 (65150)
Session Initiation Protocol (100)
Status-Line: SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Message Header
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..0186;rport=65150;received=;transport=udp
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..375a;rport=65146
In the response transport, the UDP source port would be 5060 and destination would be 65150. When the response is sent from the server side in your device, rport with port number 65150 is inserted in Via header field.
When a request arrives at a proxy, Record-Route header field can be added by a proxy. Here is an example, Record-Route: <;lr>. "lr" indicates loose routing proxy. After all added Record-Route header fields arrives at the request's destination, the destination's UA copies all added Record-Route headers to 200 OK with SDP response. Unlike Via header, while 200 OK is delivered, those copied Record-Route headers are not removed per proxy but delivered to the caller.
Here is an example based on RFC3261 16.12 Summary of Proxy Route Processing.
Supported header field can contains what UACs support and it prevents servers from insisting non-standard or vendor specific features. Even though RFC specifications do not allow to use reliable provisional responses for any method but INVITE, Supported header field with "100rel" option tag can define a new mechanism and make it work. As matter of fact, all INVITE should include Supported header listing "100rel" option tag.
Require header field in a new request can be asked by UACs to servers that the client expects the server to support in order to properly process the request. If a server does not understand the option, 420 Bad Extension status code is returned. Require header with "100rel" option tag must not be used by any requests but INVITE.
Require: com.example.billing
Payment: sheep_skins, conch_shells
S->C: SIP/2.0 420 Bad Extension
Unsupported: com.example.billing
If Path, Route and Record-Route header fields are used in transaction, "path" option-tag in Supported header field should be included in UA. The Path header field is a SIP extension header field with syntax very similar to the Record-Route header field.The Path header is used in conjunction with REGISTER requests and 200 responses while the Record-Route header is inserted into INVITE requests with the path vector, which was established by Path application for future dialogs.
A Path header field may be inserted into a REGISTER by any SIP node traversed by the request. The registrar reflects the accumulated Path back into the responses toward the originating UA. The originating UA is therefore informed of the inclusion of nodes on it's registered path vector and may use information in other capacities.
Home proxy rewrites the request-URI from the incoming request with the registered contact and retransmits the request. Home proxy also copies the stored path vector associated with specific contacts in the registrar database into Route header field of outgoing request.
Here is an example in RFC3327 for REGISTER operation. UA1 sends request to Registrar, which transmits its default outbound proxy P1, an intermediate proxy P2, and firewall proxy for the home domain, P3 before Registrar. Since P1 is home network targeted to UA1 and P3 needs to be sent by requests from Registrar, P1 and P3 have configured themselves in Path header fields on REGISTER requests and P2 have not.
This example shows how INVITE transaction originate from UA2 after UA1 has registered on Registrar above. Registrar inserts preloaded Route toward UA1 and retargets the by replacing the request URI with the registered Contact. Since Registrar does not want to be static route, it does not add Record-Route into the outgoing INVITE request.
SDP (Session Description Protocol) description is transferred while SIP negotiated based on RFC 3312. There is list what media level attributes consists of below.
Here is an example how to map each type and tag to the media level attributes.
m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0
a=curr:qos local none
a=curr:qos remote none
a=des:qos mandatory local sendrecv
a=des:qos mandatory remote sendrecv
a=curr:qos e2e none
a=des:qos optional e2e sendrecv
There are many type of attributes' tags and clarify some of them direction perspective; "send", "recv", "local", and "remote". All messages are divided into Requests and Responses in SIP protocol while description, all are done into "offer" and "answer". Each request or response can be either an offer or answer. In an offer, "send" is direction offerer -> answerer and "local" is the offerer's access network. In an answer, "send" is the direction answerer -> offerer and "local" is the answer's access network.
SIP Protocol Structure

According to RFC3261 5 Structure of the Protocol, SIP protocol layers can be defined as follows; Syntax and Encoding, Transport layer, Transaction layer, Transaction user.
SIP - Syntax and Encoding
Encoding is specified using an augmented Backus-Naur Form grammar (BNF) as received from trasnport layer
SIP - Transport Layer
This layer defines how a client transport sends requests and receives responses and how a server is responsible for actual reception of requests and transmission of response over network. It is responsible for managing persistent connections for transport protocols like UDP and TCP over network. The opened connections are shared between the client and server transport functions. These connections are indexed by the tuple formed from address, port, transport protocol.
OSI layer also defines transport layer such as UDP, TCP, and etc., and then "port" term seems pretty much confusing here. What RFC3261 calls those UDP, TCP, and SCTP is "Transport protocol" and presents port on UDP, TCP, SCTP, or etc. "SIP - Transport layer" on top of "Transport protocol" also has a logical concept of "port"; source and receive ports. Since the source port on SIP protocol is often ephemeral, but it cannot be known whether is ephemeral or not on destination side, 2 different connections in use; one for requests and the other for responses.
SIP - Transaction Layer
This layer has a client and server side (client transaction and server transaction specifically called). Both client and server transactions are logical functions that are embedded in any number of elements. UAC, UAS, and stateful proxy have transaction layer have transaction layer and stateless proxy does not have transaction layer.
Client transaction sends requests and server transaction sends responses over network. Client transaction receives requests from TU (Transaction User) and delivers them to a server through network. Client transaction also receives responses and delivers them to the TU. Server transaction receives requests from transport layer and delivers them to the TU. Server transaction accepts responses from the TU and delivers them to transport layer over network.
SIP - Transaction User
Transaction User (TU) is SIP entities, which includes UAC core, UAS core, proxy core, and registrar core. There is no TU in stateless proxy. When a TU wishes to send a request, it creates a client transaction instance and passes the request along with destination info (destination IP address, port, and transport). When a client cancels a transaction, it requests that the server stop further processing, revert to the initial state. This is done with a CANCEL request.
In short, since Syntax and Encoding is a function, which does not have any state machine. If it is regardless, we can get clearer pictures below.
Even though SIP protocol layers are described in RFC3261, there are more terms still confusing as follows.
Message (with Method) and Message Body (with SDP)
Message is data sent between SIP elements as part of the protocol. SIP messages are either requests or responses. Method is primary function that a request mean to invoke on a server side for example, INVITE and BYE. SIP protocol transaction can be initiated by any requests first and appropriate responses are expected all the time.
SIP message contains Message Body if necessary and Session Description Protocol is one of most common bodies in there. It contains session name, purpose, media comprising the session, and bandwidth information and etc. Based on RFC specifications, SIP protocol sequence can be understood by SDP offer and answer.
SIP messages' direction refers to who sends requests while SDP session description does to who sends offers first. More detailed SDP headers are listed up on the bottom of this post.
Client and Server
Client is any network element which sends SIP requests and receives SIP responses. Clients typically may interact directly with a human user. User agent clients and proxies are clients. Server is any network element, which receives SIP requests in order to service them and sends back responses to those requests. Examples are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrar.
(Back-to-Back) User Agent, UAC, and UAS
Back-to-Back user agent is logical entity. User agent receives a request and processes it as a user agent server (UAS) as well as it also acts as a user agent client (UAC) and generates a request.
Upstream and Downstream
A direction of request message from a client side to a server side is defined as downstream. We might think of client -> proxy -> proxy .. proxy -> proxy -> server. Unlike this, upstream is defined as a direction of responses flow from a server side to a client side. We can simply say server -> proxy -> proxy .. proxy -> proxy -> client.
Call, Dialog, and Session
Dialog means a peer-to-peer SIP relationship between 2 UAs that persists for some times. It can be established by 2xx responses to a INVITE request and identified by a Call-ID, a local tag, and a remote tag. Call is an informal term. Session is a multimedia connection and stream flows from a sender (caller) to a receiver (callee).
Provisional responses and Final responses, and SIP Transaction
A final response terminates a SIP transaction; all 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 6xx responses. A provisional responses used by a server to indicate progress but does not terminate a SIP transaction; all 1xx responses. SIP transaction occurs between a client and a server. It comprises all messages from the first request sent from the client to the server up to a final (non-1xx) responses sent from the server to the client. If the final response to INVITE request is non-2xx, the transaction also includes ACK as another sub-transaction to the response.
Loose Routing and Strict Routing
Loose routing proxy keeps the present Request-URI in requests as it is and adds Record-Route header field. In this Record-Route header, "lr" parameter indicates loose routing. Record-Route header is added each loose routing proxy. It can be referred to RFC3261. Unlike loose routing, strict routing replaces the present Request-URI with next destination of hop based on RFC2543. Generally loose routing proxies are preferred.
Now based on this understanding these terms and structure, each UA and proxy server may be configured below. In this picture, a request is transmitted through blue arrows and a response is back into Alice's phone through brown ones.
SIP Header Fields
Here is SIP header field list based RFC 3261 and RFC 2543. With the table on the bottom of this post shows up most kinds of header fields in SIP even though the table is not sufficient for us to understand those headers clearly. With more pictures and flowchart, we need clarify some frequently used headers in practical approach.
CSeq and Call-ID headers vs. SIP transactions and Call (or Dialog)
Generally SIP transaction begins with SIP request sent from server to client and any response returned back from server to client. There are few exceptions like ACK, which does not need response. CSeq header (method + sequence number) is used to trace those SIP transactions.
A caller originates a call to a callee, and this whole procedure is observed as a dialog formally or a call informally. In a single dialog or call, several transactions are in there. Call-ID is used to trace a call or dialog.
In the picture above, INVITE and BYE transactions can be traced with CSeq method. ACK transaction is completed without response. Especially INVITE transaction has several provisional responses and final response with 2xx. And ACK transaction has the same sequence number as INVITE has and ACK as method, which means INVITE transaction absorbs ACK transaction.
From, To, and Via headers vs. Contact header and Source/Destination IPs
Where packet is sent is Source object and where it is heading for is Destination object. Whenever packet is transmitted, the source and destination objects are changed in Wireshark logs, and the objects could be IP addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers.
When a SIP request is initially sent from a caller to a callee, the caller's SIP-URI with a new tag is added on From header and the callee's on To header. Those SIP-URIs in From and To are not changed even in responses to the request. Once this request arrives at the callee, a receiver's new tag is added to To header.
Via header also defined according to who sends the initial request on a dialog. So From, Via, and To header fields follow who sends a initial SIP request per each call, which means these 3 information do not change before the call ends.
Beside these three headers, Contact header field is inserted according to who send SIP messages; request or response. On top of that, Contact header field includes more specific caller's information like protocol transport (such as TCP or UDP), and port number. It is usually composed of a username at FQDN (fully qualified domain name). While an FQDN is preferred, many end systems do not have registered domain names, so IP addresses are permitted.
So Contact header and source/destination IP addresses are changed per each message (both request and response) direction while From, Via, and To headers never changed in a call. Here is populated table above, helping us understand it.
Via and Max-Forwards headers vs. Hops
Here is more practical example in Wireshark. When a IMS client device under test can be connected to a network simulator, which including IMS proxy server as well as a virtual UA. Even though the IMS proxy server and the virtual UA locate in the same IP address, the functionality are totally separated.
Let's assume your device in IP address and both proxy server and a virtual UA are in IP address This is the case when your device is calling to the virtual UA.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
532 35.87.. SIP/SDP Request: INVITE |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 45990 (45990), Dst Port: sip (5060)
Session Initiation Protocol (INVITE)
Request-Line: INVITE SIP/2.0
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..9191;rport
Max-Forwards: 70
The IP addresses and UDP ports for both client and server sides are determined in the Wireshark log. UDP source port would be 45990 and destination port would be 5060 in this case. When a request is sent through Via path, transport layer port is defined as 45990 from the request side in your client. When Via header field is prepared, the "rport"(response-port) without port number is transferred to the server side in proxy server.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
533 35.88.. SIP Status: 100 Trying |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: 45990 (45990)
Session Initiation Protocol (100)
Status-Line: SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..9191;rport=45990
Max-Forwards: 70
In this response transport, the UDP source port would be 5060 and destination port would be 45990. When server side sends response with Via header, the response port number, 45990 is added to "rport".
We can think of another example when your device receive a call from the virtual UA. In this case, your device in IP address and both proxy server and a virtual UA are in IP address
No Time Source Destination Protocol
27 7.59.. SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:+11234567890@ |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 65150 (65150), Dst Port: sip (5060)
Session Initiation Protocol (INVITE)
Request-Line: INVITE sip:+11234567890@ SIP/2.0
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..0186;rport;transport=udp
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..375a;rport=65146
Max-Forwards: 69
There are 2 Via header fields. The UDP source port would be 65150 and destination would be 5060 for the the top Via header. When the request is sent through Via path, transport layer port is defined as 65150 from the client side in the proxy server. On Via header field, the "rport" without port number is sent to the server side in your UA.
The lower Via header field is generated by the virtual UA. The UDP source port cannot be found in the Wireshark log but transport layer port found as 65144. When this port is transferred through NAT, the IP address and transport port are bind to others based on RFC3581 6 Example. Since the server side in the proxy server understand that the request was sent from 65146 port number of the client. So rport with 65146 is added in the Via header field in the response.
No Time Source Destination Protocol
28 7.64.. SIP Status: 100 Trying |
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: 65150 (65150)
Session Initiation Protocol (100)
Status-Line: SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Message Header
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..0186;rport=65150;received=;transport=udp
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK..375a;rport=65146
In the response transport, the UDP source port would be 5060 and destination would be 65150. When the response is sent from the server side in your device, rport with port number 65150 is inserted in Via header field.
Route and Record-Route headers vs. Via header
When a request arrives at a proxy, Record-Route header field can be added by a proxy. Here is an example, Record-Route: <;lr>. "lr" indicates loose routing proxy. After all added Record-Route header fields arrives at the request's destination, the destination's UA copies all added Record-Route headers to 200 OK with SDP response. Unlike Via header, while 200 OK is delivered, those copied Record-Route headers are not removed per proxy but delivered to the caller.
Here is an example based on RFC3261 16.12 Summary of Proxy Route Processing.
Branch in Via header, Tag in From/To headers, and Call-ID header
Supported and Require headers
Supported header field can contains what UACs support and it prevents servers from insisting non-standard or vendor specific features. Even though RFC specifications do not allow to use reliable provisional responses for any method but INVITE, Supported header field with "100rel" option tag can define a new mechanism and make it work. As matter of fact, all INVITE should include Supported header listing "100rel" option tag.
Require header field in a new request can be asked by UACs to servers that the client expects the server to support in order to properly process the request. If a server does not understand the option, 420 Bad Extension status code is returned. Require header with "100rel" option tag must not be used by any requests but INVITE.
Require: com.example.billing
Payment: sheep_skins, conch_shells
S->C: SIP/2.0 420 Bad Extension
Unsupported: com.example.billing
path option-tag with Path header and with Route/Record-Route header fields
If Path, Route and Record-Route header fields are used in transaction, "path" option-tag in Supported header field should be included in UA. The Path header field is a SIP extension header field with syntax very similar to the Record-Route header field.The Path header is used in conjunction with REGISTER requests and 200 responses while the Record-Route header is inserted into INVITE requests with the path vector, which was established by Path application for future dialogs.
A Path header field may be inserted into a REGISTER by any SIP node traversed by the request. The registrar reflects the accumulated Path back into the responses toward the originating UA. The originating UA is therefore informed of the inclusion of nodes on it's registered path vector and may use information in other capacities.
Home proxy rewrites the request-URI from the incoming request with the registered contact and retransmits the request. Home proxy also copies the stored path vector associated with specific contacts in the registrar database into Route header field of outgoing request.
Here is an example in RFC3327 for REGISTER operation. UA1 sends request to Registrar, which transmits its default outbound proxy P1, an intermediate proxy P2, and firewall proxy for the home domain, P3 before Registrar. Since P1 is home network targeted to UA1 and P3 needs to be sent by requests from Registrar, P1 and P3 have configured themselves in Path header fields on REGISTER requests and P2 have not.
This example shows how INVITE transaction originate from UA2 after UA1 has registered on Registrar above. Registrar inserts preloaded Route toward UA1 and retargets the by replacing the request URI with the registered Contact. Since Registrar does not want to be static route, it does not add Record-Route into the outgoing INVITE request.
SDP media level attributes
SDP (Session Description Protocol) description is transferred while SIP negotiated based on RFC 3312. There is list what media level attributes consists of below.
Here is an example how to map each type and tag to the media level attributes.
m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0
a=curr:qos local none
a=curr:qos remote none
a=des:qos mandatory local sendrecv
a=des:qos mandatory remote sendrecv
a=curr:qos e2e none
a=des:qos optional e2e sendrecv
There are many type of attributes' tags and clarify some of them direction perspective; "send", "recv", "local", and "remote". All messages are divided into Requests and Responses in SIP protocol while description, all are done into "offer" and "answer". Each request or response can be either an offer or answer. In an offer, "send" is direction offerer -> answerer and "local" is the offerer's access network. In an answer, "send" is the direction answerer -> offerer and "local" is the answer's access network.